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Instagram.    Behance.
Decimas Unisex

Decimas Unisex

How to wear a hoodie? The new Decimas campaign revolves around this question. For the launching of its UNISEX line, from Kutuko, we were
Mercedes Benz Cyber Weekend

Mercedes Benz Cyber Weekend

www.mercedes-benz.es Client &nbsp Mercedes Benz Year &nbsp 2021 Team credits: Creative Directors   Carlos Cabrera Lead 3D Artists  Carlos Cabrera, Maite Martínez, Ibón Vergara

Zee Dog

ZEE.DOG has trusted Kutuko to carry out the production of a teaser and a stunning 3D Product Video of their new Airleash: their resistant

Lumae Skin

Lumae Skin is a skincare brand that contacted Kutuko to create a 15-second commercial. The focus is on a white and black microdermabrasion product.


On the occasion of the renewal of the audiovisual communication of the Spanish Spatial Data Infrastructure, the Ministry of Transportation and Urban Mobility contacted

Adidas Exclusive

For the launch of Adidas’ new sports fashion collection, Decimas contacted us to create some pieces to be integrated into the campaign. To achieve
Visual content creation

Lighting Souls

Lighting Souls has entrusted Kutuko Studio to prepare this Inspirational Video about its new app that allows you to remotely light candles for our

Bang & Olufsen Beoplay Portal

In collaboration with gamers from all over the world, Bang & Olufsen has launched a spectacular campaign to promote their well-known gaming headset model
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47 Julián Camarillo Street,
MADRID 28037